Book Drive!

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled updates with this special bulletin!

Every year, I do National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo). Basically, it’s a world-wide event where people decide they’re each going to write a 50,000-word novel in the month of November… and do. Pretty awesome.

This year, the organizers of NaNoWriMo are doing a book drive, in partnership with Better World Books. All proceeds will be going to the free, nonprofit creative writing programs these awesome folks offer kids and adults. I’m the bookdriver-in-chief for my region, the South San Francisco Bay Area, and I want you to send me your books!

You know, that book you thought you’d like but wound up thinking was only so-so, that monstrosity your distant (or not-so-distant!) relative gave you in a clear sign they don’t know you at all, the book you’ve got multiple copies of because people keep giving it to you… we all have books like that. Hell, even I, the person who usually starts backing away in horror and whispering “heresy!” when people talk about culling books, managed to find some I’m going to give to the drive.

Got some books you don’t need anymore? Send ’em my way! Drop me a line or leave a comment here with your email address, and let’s set up a handoff (or I’ll send you my mailing address).

Let’s do this!