I spent a big chunk of time today at the Twitter Party for Profitable Idealism — Very interesting stuff! I even got super lucky and won the grand prize, free admission to the Profitable Idealism course! WOW.
If you missed it, check out the hashtag on Twitter and poke around the site. It looks like a great course! Go forth and sign up before the price goes up next week! There are pre-registration bonuses, too! DO EET. Preferably through my affiliate link there. 🙂
One of the questions that was both easy to answer and got me thinking was: who are your role models for changing the world?
Obviously, my answer was Eddie Riggs — I’ve written about him before — but after I sent in my reply I had a thought: is it weird that one of my inspirations is a video game character? And not just a video game character, but one from a heavy metal hack-and-slash-with-real-time-strategy game? Not to mention he’s played by Jack Black, who isn’t really known for being all about idealism and changing the world.
But, as I put it in my reply: Eddie saves the world and gets the girl, and all while serving others. His whole existence is about making life easier for artists so they can do their thing, and one idea that kept coming up in the conference call part of the party was that changing the world can happen through helping the people around you. Companies like Zappos.com are idealistic and world-changing because they’re so focused on employee and customer happiness.
From that point of view, Eddie is definitely an idealism/world-changing role model. He organizes, directs, builds, and takes major risks in the service of helping out the people he believes in — Lars, Lita, and Ophelia. He works hard for little or no recognition in the our world before he’s taken to the Age of Metal because he loves music and is dedicated to being the best roadie he can be.
So yeah, it might seem weird, but my inspiration for being a world-changing idealist is Eddie Riggs, roadie, metalhead, and general badass.